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Black and White Negatives.AML Social Christmas party,Two Brewers,22nd December and Kings Arms 23rd Dec1975.New Drawing office and Development car, LGS 124P


Nursey, Dennis
Bannard, William
Loasby, Michael
Monk, K.P.
Stowers, Roger
Hallam, Steve
Morgan, Dave


A series of 8 strips of 35mm Black and White negatives showing images of an AML social event Christmas party on the 22nd and 23rd December,1975 at the Two Brewers and Kings Arms, images of new drawing office and an image of a devlopment car with registration LGS 124P.
Film Strip 1 Neg nos 33-36.Neg 33 Left, Mick Adams and Service Receptionist.
Neg 34 Dennis Nursey, centre.
Neg 35/36 Service Receptionist, lady .
Film Strip 2 Neg Nos 38-42.Neg 40 Steve Hallam rotates his lady.
Neg 41 A happy Dave Morgan.
Film Strip 3 Neg Nos 0-4. Neg 1.Colin Thew,right.
Neg 3. Lady dancing with Steve Hallam.
Neg 4. Mr Bannard.
Film Strip 4 Neg Nos 27A-32A. Neg 27A-29A. Carpet laying.
Neg 30A Mike loasby on the phone.
Neg 31A LGS 124P, a development car, on the ramp.
Neg 32A Kings Arms 23rd Dec, Mike Adams and the Service receptionist.
Film Strip 5. Neg Nos 33A-38A. Neg 37A The dev and design boys.
Neg 38A one of the dev dept boys.
Film Strip 6.Neg Nos 39A-1A.Neg 39A Mick Adams, right.
Neg 40A Roger Stowers right of frame.
Neg 41A Stowers is spotted.
Neg 0/1 Kent Monk.
Film Strip 7 . Neg Nos 2A-7A.Neg 6 Kent Monk
Film Strip 8. Neg Nos 8A-12A
Photographs from the Roger Stowers Collection

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35mm Photographic Negative

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